TaxShield's Checklist

A checklist that outlines all depreciable items in order to assist your claim.

The TaxShield Checklist is a helpful innovative tool designed to assist you in creating a Tax Depreciation Schedule, with the peace-of-mind and full guidance and support of the Qualified Professional Quantity Surveyors of TaxShield Pty Ltd. 

Print this document and conduct a simple inspection of eligible plant and assets in your property, noting the number or size of all items present.  It is now so simple to conduct your own inspections as determined and defined by the ATO.  Why pay $$$ hundreds of dollars more to others for something you can simply undertake yourself ???

As the TaxPayer and in accordance with the permitted and encouraged ATO's Self-Assessment Laws, you provide simple assistance to our Qualified and Experienced Professional Quantity Surveyors in the assessment and quantification of simple plant and assets whilst TaxShield provides the framework and professional guidance and support of the Building Capital Works Allowance value.

Estimated consistent plant and asset values are provided and recommended by us for all items of unknown values.


Click below to download TaxShield’s Property Depreciation Checklist